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Sunbelt Business Brokers & Franchise Services

The Place to go to Buy or Sell a Business

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2,000+ Business Listings

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1,000+ Business Brokers

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400+ Franchise Listings

The Largest Business Broker Network In Florida

Year Founded

Founded by Ed Pendarvis in
Charleston, South Carolina.

Business Searches
0 +

More organic web traffic than all
franchised competition, combined.

Total Listing Value
0 B+

Approximate total business-for-sale
listing value with Sunbelt.

Sunbelt Business Brokers in Daytona Beach Boardwalk
Sunbelt Business Brokers of Daytona Beach Hanging Icon Sign on a Business

Why People Choose Sunbelt Business Brokers

The Industry Leader

Sunbelt History

Founded in 1978 by Ed Pendarvis in Charlestown, South Carolina. Now featuring the worlds largest business brokerage operation.

Global Reach

Unrivaled international and domestic broker outreach. Presenting more Certified Business Intermediaries than any other broker firm.

Proven Results

Sunbelt Network generates more organic traffic than all competitors combined. While boasting the largest database of listings in the world.

More People Choose Sunbelt Business Brokers

We Sell More Businesses than Anyone In The World

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The first step to selling your business is knowing the true value. Fill out our simple to use form, and receive a FREE business valuation from one of our experienced business brokers.

Contact Us

Sunbelt Business Brokers & Franchise Services

Michelle Wall


Rick Gardner

Managing Broker
License #BK3529039

Brian Timmons

Web Development

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